Pink Mercedes turned into a green Red Bull. Or could it be a blue Aston instead?

Aston started a split concept development long before any ex-Red Bull employee come onboard, FIA already seen all the data from Aston to clear them from any wrong doing. Could it be that Red Bull got word on the B spec car from Aston and that inspired what Newey did to the RB18? Maybe those ex-Red Bull employees were double agents and were spying for Red Bull?

Or was it a mere coincidence that both has similar sidepod concept? Might even be a shock to the ex Red Bull personal when they arrived at Aston and see the B spec concept look eerily similar to the RB18. 

Not unheard of to have 2 different concepts. Mercedes did it, their initial wide sidepod car looks and feels real, they must have spent time working on that and it's not just a facade. 
