Regarding the Hamilton vs Magnusson incident, from this view I don't really see any failt in Hamilton, his steering wheel was following the corner the whole time, he did not turn into Magnussen, while Magnussen cut it too close to Hamilton in the corner without having his car ahead of Hamilton's yet and had plenty of space on the outside to avoid touching, seems like he risked it too much and a little understeer by the Merc caused the collision, I'd call it a racing incident personally, and Hamilton was least to blame of the two imo yes you could argue that Hamilton let the car drift outwards ever so slightly to push Magnussen wide and cancel his overtake attempt but that would be pure conjecture and deserves the benefit of the doubt without hard proof, bottom line is Hamilton was ahead at the apex and in the interior and Magnussen had plenty of space on the outside to avoid colliding. Just my opinion thoigh