@Carlos from Spain

So one more time, I don't say he want fast, read again, I said that it wasn't fair saying he was faster than Russell just because of those laps with softs at the end of the race when Russell was just managing his gap in 3rd as opposed to Hamilton having to catch Bottas and Sainz for 4th? and audit in qualifying for example Russell was faster than Hamilton.


So, your own comment isn't fair, right?

And Russell has clearly been the faster overall driver of the two this season so far.

Qualifying: Russell 3 - 3 Hamilton.

Race: Russell 5 - 1 Hamilton


Russell was lucky twice with Safety Cars;

Mercedes tried a different setup on Hamilton's car in Saudi Arabia which turn out to be bad; His car was also slightly heavier(more sensors);

Italy: Hamilton was stuck in a DRS train (Gasly + Albon);

Spain: Kmag crashed into Hamilton on turn 4. Result: flat tire, diffuser damage and a trip to the box. P6->P19. Car overheated at the end and that made him lose one position.


Russell has not been faster than Hamilton like some people make believe.