
Whoopsy, every driver is a product of its generation. 

You can take the best drivers of 30s - Rosemeyer, Carac, Nuvolari, Stuck; 50s - Fangio, Moss, Hawthorn; 60- Clark, Hill, Gendebien; 70- Ickx, Lauda, Andretti; 80- Prost, Bellof, Senna and etc

All of them incomparable as a personality - different generations and in mastership - the cars being so much different that racing was a different discipline. The guys that were good in 50s would never win in 80s and vice versa.

Schummi, Kimi and Alonso are very different to modern crying Hamilton and Vettel. First 3 are much more interesting and all round more deeply developed personalities to me than the late 2.

About Hamilton - he is a great driver of course, they way he searches the motivation so long is exceptional, but to me he represents the worst from the current generation - lack of deep knowledge and propaganda of shit like lgbt and blm. I am liberal who is for the fair rights for all, but this guy is too much active in racism (staying on the knee) where the people who never were the slave owners must stay one the knee in front of those uneducated criminals who never were slaves. Socialism propaganda, save the planet and other crap. In 30s such a personality would be very efficient to promote nazism. Whats interesting the guys like Rosemeyer and Carac were never the propagandist ones:)

I hope that the young people, that represent the next generation will not follow the ham route. My imho





Here, here!  Well said.  and save the planet drive an F1.

Yep))) save trees, save bees, save whales, save snaiilllzzz))) we race as oneSmiley


