
I wonder how this feature was not blocked. Really dangerous.

And this is why you can’t have anything nice. It is a beta program which you need to apply for and then be approved for. Anyone abusing it does it get it blocked. You also agree to all sorts of legal agreement that you will pay attention and that you understand the risks. Standard grown up stuff which depends on responsible adults. Not hard to understand but it sure is easy for fake news to scare the shit out of people.  So easy.  But of course the news pretends all Teslas are out there with fsd running into small children and pregnant women ( and pregnant men too of course). They won’t print an article about how safe they are. 
So what is the result _ ‘I wonder why it t is not blocked’   Wonder indeed. Cause it is blocked. 

Beta or not. We call every sh_tty product as a beta. Boeing 737 max was also beta. But people suffered. 

You lost me here. Wow. Let me again remind you of the thousands of people who die in car accidents each year and the remarkable safety record Tesla has vs all the rest.  
The beta program exist in a very restricted manner for people who paid tons of money for it.  If someone does not take these first steps then how do we ever implement changes?  We should end all beta programs because of the MAX crashes and because Tesla FSD is not flawless?  
Again - if you don’t like it then don’t buy it.  Don’t pretend everyone on the street is in jeopardy.