
No, this event is a spring time tour that the Lone Star Region
of the Porsche Club puts on. It's on road but, I suspect, driven
somewhat, umm, vigorously, shall we say? I am positive they
have asked that the local constabulary suspend the speed limits
for this event, but I haven't heard if this has been agreed to yet.

The spring flowers ought to be spectacular then, too, and there
are a couple of routes to choose, including winery tours, so it
should be a really good trip.

If you would like to attend, I will send you the commander-in-
chief's email information and you can see if there is still room
at the inn.

911's and Boxsters will be the order of the day, but I may bring
my tow strap to pull them out of the ditch, you know, just in case?

- Mark