Its a matter of taste. In terms of handling and grip performance they are not the best of the three, so not the tire for a -20mm997S or GT3, etc. like the others are. They are more confortable and have better thread wear though. SO they are the worst or the best depending on what you prefer.

My 996 came with the OEM Conti's (previous generation) and I had to throw them away to the garbage with only a few k miles on them, I was so dissapointed that Porsche would fit these tires on a 911, their grip was horrible and squeaked like pigs on the bends like a winter tire when you got a little spirited! embarrasing.
They have improved in handling however since the first generation of Contisport though, but I will not drive Conti's again ever. Again, the current Conti's should be much better in handling and grip, but still no PS2's.