scud said:
Patriek (jennyz) said:
I drove my 430 yesterday, and all I can tell for the moment, that the huge difference towards the 360 they announced, isn't that huge,
I even was serious disappointed, I expected a lot more difference with the 360 I owned, but there isn't !!
Before we drove it out of the dealer garage, it had already a flat battery (I am used to this, as I own a ferrari for 12 years) , but that wasn't a nice start, I hate flat batterys .....
When we took it on the road, I was very disapointed about the 15.000euro carbon brakes, VERY disappointed, but I was told that they need a "ride in", so have to wait ....
The road handling is very well, but so is that of the 360, not sutch a 'huge' difference as predicted !!!
power is great, but so is the power of the 360, there is small difference, the car was going well, and I took it to 270km/h in no time, (then I got traffic),
Sound is a lot better, but I hope that Capristo comes out with a nice exhaust really soon ..
So, it's a nice car, but I think I will sell it as soon as the 430CS will arrive (if they will produce one of course), if not sooner ...

patriek what are you comparing the 430 too , a jet fighter? Surely there is a huge difference from the 360? My GT3 has way more torque available than my 360.All the journos rave about the 430. I will post this on ferrarichat as well and hopefully get a response from other owners.thanks for your opinion
rock on

Hey, I DROVE IT, and own one !!!!(and will drive it again today)
and I compare it with a 360, that I also owned !!!!
so I can compare, don't I ??
I tell you AGAIN, the difference isn't that huge, there is a 'small' difference , but .....