
*peek into my garage and look at my 26 year old turbo 3.6*

No over the air updates no nothing.

No one said OTA updates are bad. They are mostly bug fixes anyways and functions added are only because they ran out of time to do those before deadline to ship. So ship first and get the money in then send the functions out later. It is what it is.

I ran a software house before too, it's exactly how we do things. I was saying the exact same things Elon says to my clients 20 something years ago. I promised the moon but I gave then a moon cake instead, but keep sending out little moon cake freebies regularly to keep them happy and come back again for another round of fleecing. 



Elon really gets under your skin. Lol. Sorry to hear you made promises you could not deliver on, that is how you do things not everyone. I doubt Elon talks out of his ass and makes promises he plan to not keep. 
I would say 75% of the updates are brand new features and functions I had no idea I would get when I bought the car. I can make a list if you like. They just keep coming for free. He has delivered tons more than he ever promised which is why owners give him lots of room to promise.  It has served him well. Tesla is doing well. Owners love the cars almost universally and there is no other car I would let drive me down the open highway or is as capable.  
So very little of what you say above applies to the real world in this case.