
Not dangerous at all...mail

The incoming cars are participating involuntary in this beta test...



YouTube reporter for Rennteam.  Awesome. 
Do consider that when we all get behind the wheel we are involuntary participants as idiots around us drive like, well , idiots.  In terms of idiot drivers out there I rank a Tesla as a 2 out of 10.  Average being 5.

I don’t have full self driving and doubt I would use it much but on the other hand my car just drove me 95% of the way to the lake - 150 miles. With the free and included with each and every Tesla - autopilot.  So the timing for this post could not be better. 
While I also hate cruise control and never use it the Tesla autopilot on the highway is so good it would be foolish, make that ignorant, to not use it. It would be like crisscrossing a tightrope each day and opting out of the net below.  It is hard to explain nor do I care to change anyone’s mind but if you spend time - weeks maybe - with a Tesla you would tend agree with my simple observation. 
That said, if have not viewed this clip but I have seen many which are pretty impressive. Making left turns at busy intersections. Etc. Like it or not. It is not perfect but they are making impressive progress. Especially compared to geo fenced solutions which depend on GPS. Which is nuts. 

Anyway - here is my expected response. Been a while. Enjoy 😊