I knew how to drive bikes and cars very well by the time I was old enough to get a license for each since I had been driving both before that age, didn't even need to take any lessons to pass them. But not only was I educated in the technical aspect of drving, but I was also educated in what was right or safe and what was wrong or dangerous at the wheel. And still it made no difference, our frontal cortex at that age is immature and we view risk completely different than adults, no matter how much information we have. So I am lucky to be alive is all I can say, two friends in particular at the time are sadly not for example, the stupid stupid things I did in bikes or in a car when my parents were present are embarrassing to think about now and not proud of at all. Of course all my parents knew was that I was an experienced rider/driver for my age that from every indication and observation the had was apparently responsible.