
I think Tesla should start a race series with Model 3s racing each other on autopilot. Cars will get on track and learn the track by itself and find the optimal line though each corner. Each team will write their own navigation algorithms utilizing only the system on-board the Tesla and nothing else.

10-20 of these race cars with different algorithms race on track together. The algorithms would also need to check surrounding area for other cars, calculate their trajectories, and all the while avoid collisions. 

Doing it this way Tesla would learn an enormous amount of progress on car autonomy. Without the distraction of pedestrians, pets, balls, etc, which can be added and refined later on to the algorithm. 

Quick way to see if their camera based system is adequate or not.

I think such a series would be very entertaining to watch. 

Now imagine FIA starting something like this in the future. 

google: Roborace
