
We can agree to disagree. Analogies don’t work. Consider this. On average I use 1000 kWh per month. The peak load during the summer days is today three times as much as what the car draws to charge in the evening when the power companies drop the price to $0.04 to get people to take up the excess capacity.  If everyone today charges their car in the heat of summer days I totally agree with you - given current capacity - but even today if people charge off peak at home it will actually make the best use of the power delivery we currently have.  
Nick I appreciate your thoughtful reply though and I also appreciate that you make arguments without first resulting to insults and character assassination.  
If I ever cross the line I apologize. It can be frustrating to try and communicate ones positive experiences and adventures with people who are so defensive of good news.  Frankly it is their loss not mine and I have hope in human nature to eventually do the right thing.  Not that I am holding my breath for an apology. Every now and the. Some silent member will stand up for me and those posts are priceless. Thanks 🙏 

Have a amazing weekend all. 


Buddy! Come on, I have know you long enough Smiley I can carry a civilized conversation and you know that.

Anyways, I agree in your case in your area it works. It actually also work where I live. Our power comes from hydroelectric, and we have excess capacity to sell to the USA also. Heck, I got a 20kW natural gas backup generator at home, so even if the grid is off I can still charge my EV Smiley

We are the minority, not many lives in area with that kind of luxury is what I am saying. I know you are super enthusiastic about the prospect of EV after experiencing the Tesla, I don't blame you, and the evolution will happens in time, just not now as everything else hasn't caught up. Eventually they will and EV will be more widespread. Heck, we might have induction propulsion/charging on the roadway for EV if someone get their shit together. 

