
I had shortly mentioned that my brother and I purchased 2 i3's for short distance commuting.

Well, the dealer also dropped off an i8 coupe and an i8 roadster for a test drive....

we both might go for i8s roadsters as well. the test drive convinced me that its actually a fun car in its special way. not the best at anything but a funky cruiser in a way. a bit too loud (in the looks dept) but a fun drive.

its a last chance to get one as production of the i8 will be stopped this April...

90% its a go for us.....will sleep over it another 2 nights 

i8? Seriously? Smiley

I am surprised to how many I see driving around here . I almost see one a day . I always wondered what was the attraction to the car .  Maybe it is actually nice to drive ....


 964 Carrera 4 --  997.2 C2S , -20mm -- 991.2 GT3 RS