GR said:
Just had a similar demo and the controls are awful! I found the steering wheel controls uncomfortable and my hands started aching after about 20 minutes. Then, the central "gearlever" is totally counter intuitive. It really needs conventional paddles.

However, the gearbox is amazingly good and I'm sure you would get used to the controls over time. The thing for me is that the gearbox is too good, which takes the pleasure away from driving. For example, it can change up and especially down way faster than a human, it blips the throttle on the way down, it will nail the redline for you perfectly. It left me feeling a bit redundant and therefore robbed much of the pleasure from driving quickly and smoothly. And that's why I drive a Porsche, not to shave a few tenths of a lap time.

So manual and short shift for me next time and Pounds2k better off.

Actually I gather that this and similar boxes are not supposed to be driven in manual all the time or even most of the time thus necessitating constant use of the selection interface.
You drive in D and overide the auto selection whenever it suits via buttons of lever.
To reinforce what I say, the timed Sport Auto time of 7:50 at NBR (very good time) was done in D at sport+ mode