reginos said:
MMD said:
Holy Cow. Think of it this way. For probably every stick shift anybody's ever learned on the __basic__ movement is push forward to go into first (downshift), pull back to go into second (upshift). Why Porsche would reverse this for PDK lever shifting seems insane!

Push forward to go from 2 to 3, 4 to 5 (upshift)
Pull back to go 3 to 2, 5 to 4 (downshift)
All sorts of variations exist.
Only an [beep] would not be able to acclimatize with any shifting pattern on any car within seconds!

Yes, very obvious what you say and complicated.

Speaking from experience with my SMG, it is very important to have the "down" be forward and the "up" be backward.

Basic intuition get it?

There's not alot of time to think which gear you're in when using SMG and going fast.

Duh. Forward is down, backward is up. Like left is left and right is right: instant and intuitive.

Why is this intuitive? Reinforcement on a massive scale. You're slowing down to a stop at a light and you've got time to realize what's going on. Guess what, you're shoving the stick forward to DOWNshift. How many times do you do that in a lifetime of driving? Ten million?

All the other stuff you mention is MANUAL gear box shift pattern complexity (makes driving slower too BTW).

SMG and PDK are about simplifying one aspect (power transmission to road) so you can pay attention to other aspects of driving.

Who's to say one day, when things are off, when you're going 90 in a turn you won't make a mistake in the height of the moment with the Porsche PDK and shove the stick forward when you intend to downshift but instead you upshift, and get in trouble, because of the counterintuitive direction of the P-car?