To explain this easy. Try leaning forward when the car is accelerating, it requires you to double the effort. So whatever you do and try to tell that you get used to some things they are still no substitute for the natural. And in this case changing up by pushing is unnatural. Why do you think in an airplane being a commercial or a fighter you accelerate, or lift up, by pulling the lever and not by pushing? And this principle applies to more things than the logic should be one way while the natural way dictates the other way round. The manuals got us used to changing in a H pattern not because this is the best in any circumstance, but because this was the bet for the manuals.

Also if you take a look at this video at about 0:29s you will be surprised to see the way this pilot changes up in the Porsche cup car....

It is interesting that in a race car where being efficient is more important than anything changing up means pulling instead of pushing.
So whatever you say the Porsche did it wrong this one.

You get used to bad food also but it doesn't mean that you should not improve your way of eating.