There is so much they showed us in Weissach, I could write a book for the afternoon tour.

Mission E vs Tesla Model S. Think Mercedes S class vs a Corolla. Model S is done. Period.

Their special non-road legal car that was on Youtube, I already placed an order direct with them. 

The other non road legal car, it will be very competitive with whatever AMG and McLaren is doing, They also standardized stuff with the Cup car so it will be a even easier race are to maintain.

The unobtainable, I ma so gonna sell one of my existing Porsche for it.

The other cars that was rumoured, it is what it is been rumour at.

The car that's above the rumoured cars, well they are still deciding, but judging from their reactions, it is going into production, they still need to figure out how to do the induction system though. Right now it is like a Frankenstein, with GT parts stolen from other lines.


