
"Exactly, so this brings me back to the fact that McCain was in Vietnam when the US should not have been there. As such, his use of insulting names against the Vietnamese stems from his personal animosity to them due to their treatment of him rather than on the US cause in Vietnam being the right one. Hence his language was equally unacceptable to any equally insulting comments about a black man."

Let me help you. It is amazing that McCain is even alive.
For 5 years. Yes 5 years, His bones were broken and rebroken repeatedly, he was beaten regulary, hung up in chains, was whipped with truck fan belts, fed dirty gruel and watched other men get beat so bad that their eyeballs literally fell out of their frkkin eye sockets. All done courtesy of the North Vietnamese government.

So If he wants to refer to his ex torturers as gooks thats his business. He's earned the right to call them whatever he wants to. And gooks is probably the least kind word for them. Do you know where the word gook comes from? Its a shortened version of the Korean word Hangook wich means foreigner.