Cannga: Thanks for the compliments my dear friend, it means alot to me. Yes life is good, it's a gift from God so we should enjoy it, life is love and love is life and that's that As for the spanking I deserve it. Sadly one of my wife's friend had a heart attack and he is now in ICU and Hoag Hospital, I was in a hurry so I took these crummy pics in haste. I did not go with my wife as I don't know all of her friends and I thought it's best not to make the people in the room uncomfortable. Anyway tThe car is filthy and so are the wheels but they will good when you see the car.

Can, I love the exhaust I am like a little kid just want to go for a drive. When I see I will let you exam it yourself.

So how was Anthony and how did his car sound? Anthony is a gentleman like yourself and I appreciate knowing both of you along with a few others on this forum BTW the guys at Stuutgart have the highest regard for you. They appreciated your mannersim and sophistication last Thursday