Tesla won’t go away, as much as some here want them gone for whatever ego reason, it will be very alive but will wipe shareholder money and maybe bond holders money and will move on, worst case. People who will have lost money will do so knowing very well what they did and no one should come out crying. They believed in something and were wrong on the way to finance it. Everyone said building a car brand from scratch was very cash intensive. Maybe they just got the “how much” part wrong. Does anyone remembers Eurotunnel? It is not that different. Good product, bad original cost estimates...

I also find the Model X more pleasing than the Jag, but that’s just because the Jag is really really ugly.

Tesla interior is not at Mercedes/BMW/Audi level, but right now it doesn’t matter because all the German products are vaporware. Many here claim they have seen the German manufacturers roadmap, but I seriously doubt it will materialize at the prices they think it will, because then they will be killing all their own high margin products and shooting themselves in the foot. Just look at the Mission E from Porsche... Call me spoiled but I cannot tell the difference between a basic Mercedes, a Tesla or an Honda Accord or Chrysler 200. To me they are all the same but at least the Tesla is new fresh and modern. A recent Q3 loaner was actually shockingly poor quality for an Audi. Basic Porsche Macan or Boxster interiors are marginally nicer. Now start adding full leather and all and there is a difference. My RRS and Macan are well above anything Tesla can do. So bottom line expect for a few people, many here apparently, Tesla interiors are just fine and definitely doesn’t stop them from buying the car. Again, they are the top selling car in the luxury segment.

I find the lack of respect from some people here for what Tesla has achieved disgusting and dishonest and actually some probably have an actual personal agenda for bashing them so hard. Tesla gets hammered because Bosh made a mistake but Porsche gets a pass when they replace all the GT3 engines? Enough said...