Tesla fanboys burying the head in the sand and pretend the 'negative' reports doesn't exist doesn't mean those stuff isn't happening in the real world.

This is not Tesla bashing, it's about a bunch of members here with financial background commenting on the financial health of a publicly traded company, which happens to make some fast electric cars with a leader that likes to do smokes and mirrors. 

We may not be Elon Musk with his visions, but we can read market and company reports. It's what some of us do for a living, reading the fine print disclaimers etc.

For a non-fan-boy, whether Tesla go bust or not makes no difference, it's just another publicly traded company going chapter 11 or chapter 7, nothing more nothing less. And we move onto the next one.

For Tesla fanboys, if Tesla go bust, it would be a huge blow to their ego. 

The price job from the recall is overblown that's for sure, Tesla is not the only company ever recalling a car, but it just happened at a very bad time for Tesla. 

