Whoopsy said:
If HvS, with his limited skill in driving the 997TT can achieve a 2 second gain, then I guess WR can get into the 30s with the new set up?

Seriously, I think the 2 second gain is within the margin of error and maybe HvS learned more about how to drive the 997TT between tests and hence the gain. We all know he is well underachieved driving the 997TT on the 'ring so there are more to gain to bring that time up to his 'standard', unless his limited skills has already been maxed on this latest test.

I 100% agree with you. I told MKSGR yesterday in a Pizzeria nearly the same.
But watch out the good informed H.v.S. follower with the supertest bible in their hands...

Greetings from another uninformed member