naah, missed part of the discussion, last thing I read was:

quote "My end comment to Porsche: F*ck you " unquote.

I thought this was a bit nagging...

Although I can perfectly understand people being upset about the facelift, it's not like as some stated earlier that your current car becomes "outdated".

Indeed I was hesitating, and when really believe the facelift was a few months away, I would have waited. But once you take the plunge there no going back, and have a supposedly "outdated" body shell does not matter than anymore.

Re. GT2, I'm pretty sure they will not update the shell.

For all others, in a few months we're all buying the new LED lights (albeit the "old" shape lights )...

Ps: here in B, is it also that difficult to get a hold of a F? Also have to rub the dealers back a lot?