"And then he tells me something about me driving the 996 C2,C4 etc. but they don't compare in the twists but a SC charged 996 is different in twists, this is ridiculous. How can a SC improve steering and handling or did I understand something wrong?"

re-read it rc. i said the 996 was already a blast in the twisties (ie: big eyeballs) but was a bore in a straight line - PRE SC, but was a blast in a straight line after. i never said anything about the SC improving the handling.

"There is no track where a 996 C2 would be superior to a 996 TT CAB (not Coupe!)"

every track would have an SC 996 C2 eating up a 996 TT Cab (or coupe). the 500 to 700 lb (coupe to cab) weight penalty given both cars are equally powered is not something the TT can recover from.