
I had a chance to drive the car a little more. After driving it there is no doubt in my mind that this car is several grades above the .1GT3.

The engine may be the difference along with the new tires (I have the Michlen Cups 2's). The engine is more responsive than the .1. The pull of the car tracks the increasing RPM's in line with the throttle input. The torque comes on immediately and the sensation is dramatic. You know your in a car with a race engine heritage. 

I entered a freeway in third gear at around 4500 rpm's and took it up to 7500 without the throttle fully depressed. The feeling and sound was out of this world. The car leaped in an angry growl sending chills up my back. I was scream YES! YES! YES! This is what a performance car should be. The exhaust sound is the best I have heard on a Porsche. It's a refined race sounding. It's loud and glorious. I don't believe cars around me would find it objectionable. Instead, they would say, "I wish I had one of those".

I did have chance to feel the handling of the car. The tires are sticky. There was one portion of the ride that has some curves and though there was traffic I still managed to test the handling. The car is like glue on the road. No dipping or unnecessary roll. Just perfect.

The one area which I will caution GT3 owners is going over bumps and driveways. I have the front lifter and as I slowly went over a small speed bump the lifter did its job. However, the backend slightly bottomed out. You need to be very slow and clear the entire car.

More later.


Ahhhh, Nice description. Can almost feel what you are describing. Soooooo nice! Congrats! SmileySmiley