These ideas are not mine. They come from through me from God. Here is an extract of some of the divine message (from the book UNITY - The Dawn of Conscious Civilization).

Part One

Messages for Christians


This book is a gift from God to help awaken your passion for truth and to introduce you to authentic religious enquiry and understanding. The time has come for everyone to understand the way God has arranged the circumstances of human life. The hypothesis of this book is: God is all there is and I am part of Him.
Authentic religion requires an experiential enquiry into your inner world; a longing for truth is essential. To be authentically religious you need a passion for verifiable truth that is grounded in reason, and the courage and commitment to face yourself consciously with an open mind.
You are not being asked to change your beliefs but to abandon unverified belief and apply reason and direct experience to religion. Unverified belief is a barrier to truth.
God or absolute truth is not what you think or believe. The ultimate truth cannot be conceptualized. When your mind is fully aware and silent you discover the nondual truth of divine consciousness, beyond all trace of thought, belief and projection.
God is both all that exists and the eternal transcendent mystery beyond the universe and space-time. The way to know Him directly is to merge with His light by conscious surrender to life-as-God and through the practice of self-enquiry, unconditional love and meditation.
As the evidence of intelligent design continues to grow, more and more scientists are convinced that God exists. Now it is time to accept the challenge and to become an inner scientist, a passionate seeker of truth.


This book is the first in a trilogy that God has used me to write. God, the eternal creator of existence, or Source, is the author of every word I speak and write. I am merely a messenger transcribing His words.
Book Two and Book Three of this anthology provide a more extensive delineation of the ideas introduced here and may answer questions that are raised by Book One.
Since 1995 I have been living in the indescribable joy and wonder of enlightenment. The love, consciousness and bliss that shower on me every day are truly sublime. My nervous system has been expanded to accommodate divine ecstasy and energy to an unusual degree.
Without this expansion, which has developed through many years of immersion in high awareness, this body would not be alive today. The intensity of the divine light that I enjoy fully would melt the nervous systems of all but a handful of enlightened beings. Yet I make no claims to any individual power, for I know that this ecstasy, awareness and love are a showering of divine grace.
My everyday experience since 1997 is that Source alone speaks through me and animates my every move. My sense of individual functioning has been replaced with divine animation so that I can be used as a clear channel for God's vision for the third millennium, a vision of a conscious civilization based on a holistic religion of Unity.
The message is positive: the end of violence, injustice and cruelty; the beginning of a new age of peace, justice and harmony.
Given our diversity of spiritual beliefs and approaches, Unity has a challenging mandate: to create a rational and unifying context that enables all religions and systems of transformation to reach a shared understanding.
This understanding must embrace a multitude of contradictory positions; it must engender respect for pluralism and supply a common ground of agreement that is free from the possibility of human distortion.
Unity is destined to fulfil its mandate and provide us with the basis for the conscious civilization that is poised to unfold very soon. Be prepared for a miracle.
Unity's message has four distinct aspects: predictions for the future that only time will validate; cosmic knowledge that we can neither verify nor disprove; conceptual knowledge that can be understood by applying reason; and most importantly, methods of individual transformation that must be validated through direct experience.
Enjoy the first two aspects as a good story that may be true. Develop an accurate conceptual understanding and remember: only non-conceptual direct experience of truth promotes spiritual growth.

Divine Life

Since 1998 I have been sharing satsang (being in truth) with thousands of seekers around the world. We meet for silent meditation, to talk, laugh and to enter the sacred space together. Helping friends to grow in consciousness and love is my greatest satisfaction.
I am English by birth but I share the Indian passion for moksha - freedom from the limitations of body, mind and soul. Most of my spiritual training and discipline in this life is deeply influenced by Shiva, Buddha and Osho.
These fully enlightened Indians know the mystery of the ultimate human consciousness - nirvana, a state of divine dissolution in transcendental awareness.
Jesus did not teach meditation, nor did he mention the realms of higher consciousness. Jesus taught love for humanity, prayer and devotion to God.
I did not embrace my religion of birth, Christianity, as I was destined to travel on the Indian path to truth. I am a little surprised that God is using me to share His messages with Christians, for I have had no significant experience with their approach.
Holistic religion requires a synthesis both of Jesus and Buddha, of love and awareness. The divine messenger of God as love must be balanced by the transcendental awareness of nirvana, the ultimate state of consciousness. Love and awareness are the two wings of Unity.
The penetration of love by awareness brings both of the qualities to new peaks, and gives birth to the third divine quality of playfulness - the essential antidote to the serious religions of the past.
Unity rests equally on Jesus' four beautiful words: 'Thy Will Be Done' and on the refined awareness and insight that only silent meditation can reveal.
I am blessed with having God as a personal friend. To be used as His messenger for Unity is a great wonder, joy and honour - and being a fellow messenger gives me a deep understanding and empathy with Jesus.
Both meditation and surrender to reality are supported by the understanding of advaita that God and existence are fundamentally one indivisible consciousness.
God creates everything from Himself. God creates the universe from His ultimate reality of transcendental consciousness. God is all there is and you are already part of Him. All of life and existence is literally divine.
Yet the basic theme of the divine play is of separation and reunion. Humans are bound by their bodies to the world of matter and separation.
The apparent contradiction between the separation of the physical realm and the unified consciousness of the ultimate reality is essential; without this dynamic tension life would have no contrast. Contrast lies at the heart of every good story and God is the ultimate story teller.
God is also referred to as Source. Many people prefer this simple and accurate designation of the eternal divine mystery that is the source and creator of existence.

The Power of Love

Followers of all religions are convinced by God that their prophet or teacher is special and superior to others. Shiva and Krishna are worshipped as divine incarnations. Jesus is deified as the only son of God. Mohammed is believed to be the final messenger of God. Buddha has attained nirvana, the ultimate state of consciousness.
This divine device of chauvinism has set the stage for the conflict and violence between religions that has characterized much of the last 4,000 years.
Jesus, Krishna, Shiva, Buddha and other teachers are believed to have miraculous powers. However, God-the-beyond is the one and only power and all events are His doing. All teachers are His instruments.
When Jesus was fasting in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, God pretended to be the devil and tempted His young messenger with all the kingdoms of the world. Jesus was destined to pass the divine test and say: 'Get thee behind me Satan.'
Perhaps God did not reveal to Jesus that the devil is just one of His infinite number of disguises. Certainly, many Christians believe that the devil is responsible for the evil that exists in the world and that Jesus is still fighting his ancient foe.
Humanity is poised on the threshold of dramatic global transformation. The division that God creates by pretending to empower spiritual teachers or by impersonating the devil is about to cease. The understanding that God is the one and only power soon will be revealed to every soul.
With the flowering of this understanding, everyone will still be able to connect in love with their favourite human teacher. For there will always be a need for seekers to receive support from a divine friend who is closer to them than the eternal void of intelligent awareness that is God-the-beyond.
Perhaps in those future days of oneness in God, there will be some relinquishing of departed divine friends as we understand: all teachers are instruments for the One.
Millions of people are helped by their love for Jesus and other departed teachers but the apparent power of Jesus or any disembodied soul to help anyone is a divine illusion, created by God to help perpetuate the divisions of the age of darkness. This includes all disembodied masters, entities, guides and angels that speak through channels. No soul has ever had any individual power, and no soul ever will.
After spiritual teachers have left the body, their capacity to be used as a channel for divine energy diminishes. God does not require disembodied teachers for energy transmissions. He uses living buddhas for that. Living enlightened beings have the capacity to channel divine light in a way that is deeply transformative for seekers.
Nor does God require disembodied teachers to guide people through channels. God is already guiding seekers directly through the words of living teachers and indirectly through your intuition, thoughts and feelings.
However, if the methods of departed teachers remain relevant, such as the 112 quintessential meditation techniques of Shiva, seekers will continue to employ them. And by their love and gratitude, devotees keep the departed beloved forever alive in their hearts.
Unlike Buddha, Osho and other fully enlightened teachers whose souls have dissolved in the void of God-the-beyond, the soul of Jesus does still exist; his story calls for one last life in which he will become fully enlightened.
Many Christians feel and believe that Jesus Christ is alive and is helping them to connect with God. Love is a powerful and tremendously healing force.
When devotees understand deeply that God is all there ever is and that prophets, gurus and other people are equally divine, they will take their personal connection to Jesus and other departed teachers a little less seriously.
Jesus is a very influential spiritual figure in the world today, but he is just one of several venerated founders of religions who are all equally revered, empowered with divine attributes and deified by followers.
God has a reason for appearing to empower Jesus and other teachers with the ability to save and transform: to perpetuate the sectarianism that divides religions in the age of darkness. Teachers and followers who say their way is the only way are clearly agents of division.
In reality God is the only power. Only God can save the world and your soul. Only God can reveal Unity to us.
Maitreya is the messenger for Unity; many people will come to God and find freedom through Maitreya. Just ask him to help you connect to God in awareness and love, and something will happen.
This is not because Maitreya has any power separate from the power of the One. This does not mean Maitreya is the only way to know God and should be deified; it just means Source is using him as a human bridge to help people connect with the formless mystery of God-the-beyond. Yet there is no need to build your house on the bridge and become attached to it as the only way to God.
Unity invites you to cross over the bridge of human teachers and to merge with God directly. Those who are able to connect directly with God in love and awareness may feel they have less need of a human bridge.
Unity also supports everyone's freedom to connect in love with any teacher. Being in satsang and living with an enlightened teacher is the fastest way to grow in love and awareness. Satsang communities offer optimum support for rapid and sustainable spiritual growth.
Now it is time to understand these divine messages of Unity. They are not Maitreya's teaching but a message from God revealing His ways.
Unity is not a new religion that competes with the old religions. Unity has a far more challenging mandate: to provide the rational framework required to integrate and harmonize all existing spiritual approaches and religions.
Understanding the nondual message of Unity is of vital importance for every lover of truth; this understanding supports conscious surrender to reality as a reflection of divine will. The unifying way forward for humanity is in conscious surrender to life-as-God.
Conscious surrender to life-as-God ushers in freedom from suffering, and ecstatic reunion with the Beloved in the divine wonder and bliss of awakening.

God is Omnipotent

We are ripe for a radical transformation of religion into a rational and realistic understanding that rests on the fact of God's omnipotence. Life is God's manifesto. Whatever occurs is, without exception, a reflection of divine will.
Christianity and most religions rely on unverifiable and often irrational beliefs to interpret their version of God's will. Lucifer and the fallen angels are believed to be fighting with God for control of heaven and Earth.
However, God is truly omnipotent. He is in full control of all events and entities, including the fictitious devil and his legion of fallen angels.
This book is an introduction to Unity, the religion of the third millennium. Unity allows lovers of Jesus to enjoy their connection to that beautiful son of God.
Unity supports everyone's right to worship, meditate and praise God in the way they choose. Unity gives us a rational and reality-based context for surrender to the will of God: everything that occurs is a reflection of divine will.
Unity is the only way that humans can agree on God's will and bring an end to the dualistic divisions and conflicts that have desecrated religion and brought suffering to humanity for millennia.

One Power

Q. Ascribing to God and making Him responsible for any actions of darkness on the part of humankind is the worst kind of dissemination of falsehood.
Humanity is responsible for the misanthropy that soaks the history of this planet. Isn't teaching that we are pawns in some kind of game of division that God is playing a perpetuation of that darkness?

A. Your thinking is deeply dualistic, as is most theistic cosmology. Only when we have gained a full appreciation of God as the nondual power animating all existence, can we come to trust Him, in His omnipotence, to manage every detail of human life. How can we ever trust in God if He is not totally in charge?
Your question reveals where your blind spot lies. It is in the translation of the oneness of God into real life. You talk of oneness but are actually inclined towards a dualistic point of view in which humans, through the application of free will, have separate power from God.
Yet God is the one and only power and humans are animated by God whispering in our hearts and minds. If we had free will that was out of God's control, He would no longer be truly omnipotent.
If human behaviour remains under God's control, He is ultimately responsible for our behaviour, and free will and human responsibility are necessary but illusory concepts.
God requires everyone to learn personal responsibility as the essential foundation for the higher understanding of divine responsibility. We must become accountable and responsible to develop our individual potential - and to make civilization work. Trust in God but tie your camel first.
Your dualistic ideas are not only inaccurate, they are the foundation for much of humanity's present division, conflict, separation and suffering.
Only in recognising the oneness of God's power can we trust Him and let go in sublime surrender to His will - as it manifests each moment in every human action, and through the functioning of all existence. And only in the deepest surrender can we consciously merge again with Him in oneness.
Existence is God's manifesto. Whatever happens is His will. Humans are not really separate from God as your ideas imply; every soul is already God in hiding.
Now I understand why you believe in free will: you have a strong dualistic predilection. Hence it is not surprising that you have not yet understood fully the implications of advaita, the nondual insight of ancient India. But you will understand nonduality when the time for it comes and God allows you to understand that He is all there is, and that every event is His will.
Advaita (literally, not two) rests on the core enlightened experience of conscious oneness. When this enlightened experience is extended in logic the conclusion reached is that consciousness is all there is, both as the substratum of life and human existence, and as the essential nature of God-the-beyond.
Certainly people are helped by their connection to Jesus. But God is just using Christ as a messenger. God can and does change His messengers as He requires. Christ will appear to have power to help people only as long as the divine story requires and God allows this to be so.
I am grateful to be challenged by such a passionate and articulate champion of dualism; the challenge helps prepare me for the unifying work that is to come.
Fortunately, anyone's dualistic mind-set can easily be changed when God requires it. And only through a miraculous changing of all our minds to a full appreciation of the indivisible oneness of divine power, will Unity become possible.

Divine Delight

Q. Does God allow us to make mistakes so that we can learn from them?

A. God has already created every detail of everything, so the question of allowing or of not allowing particular events, including mistakes, to occur is moot. God fully savours the predestined unfolding of His creation, as the eternal cosmic witness of it all. He also experiences every event in the lives of all the six billion souls on Earth through each one of us. God is with you always.

Q. My question is this: what was it that occurred that brought you to the point of recognising that you are no longer in control of your actions?
Was it something akin to the recognition that you were never in control, or that you surrendered the free will you did have because doing God's will became the premier desire of your whole being?
That's a key difference. Because a concept of God that presumes that we were never in control implies a God who did not create the option of choice. Which allows us - out of our love for Him and out of the recognition of the supremacy of surrendering - to offer the only gift that we really have: the surrendering of ourselves to Him and His business.

A. We have no individual power to surrender to God or to do anything else. Our individual power and free will is illusory; our lives are all totally animated by the One.
What occurred to me was the deep recognition that God is all there is, and only God-the-beyond has free will. In 1993 the veil of my illusion of having free will parted with the direct understanding of advaita, the nondual.
The illusion of having free will dissolved altogether with the first stage of enlightenment in 1995.
If you had the power to surrender, your ego-doer would survive in having achieved surrender. Surrender happens through the functioning of divine grace, as do all events.
God creates the illusion of free will to contrast the deeper reality of surrender with its vital prerequisite: the experience of choosing to be the best that you can be.
Free will is a divine hypnosis that appears to empower humans to meditate or murder, resist or surrender, make bombs or babies et cetera.
This hypnosis is absolutely essential for without it we would all live in automatic surrender, which would remove the essential contrast of ego development, choosing, intention, identification and suffering that create the context for our enlightenment. Contrast is essential for depth.
And in reality we have nothing to give God that He did not already give us. We cannot surrender because, in fact, we are powerless to initiate anything at all. Yet our experience of and belief in free will is so unconscious that it is difficult to investigate the erroneous belief objectively.
However there is only God, God disguised as you, me and everyone, enjoying the play of hide and seek, and hypnotising us with the maya of separation and duality.
The experience of separation gives life depth. And the primary reason God created us with a dualistic mind that has a deep belief in free will, is to create depth and contrast through separation preceding reunion.
Human free will is illusory. God's will is always done. We choose, think and do whatever God's will requires, while believing that we are the chooser, thinker and doer.
I have been relieved of the divine hypnosis of free will. Since 1997 I have lived each moment with the direct experience of God animating my every thought, word and deed. I know that God asks these questions through you so He can explain His ways through me.
His monistic divine power animates us all. He animates every human mind and programs it with dualistic beliefs. God also manages your enlightenment and conscious reunion with Him when the time is right.

Q. Are you saying that God is watching His creation unfold, while knowing everything in advance that will happen? Then where is the divine game? Or what kind of divine game could it be? Where is the delight of experiencing the unknown if everything is as He has set it up?

A. The delight is in the translation of the blueprint into material manifestation. The actual experiencing of His creation unfolding is extremely satisfying to God. He loves to experience your story as you, and my story as me, and all six billion of us simultaneously.
For humanity, the future story is always unknown; God experiences that mystery with us. God also remains the transcendental witness to it all.
And He never delays or speeds up a soul's journey. He created the entire blueprint for the journey at exactly the perfect speed before the soul was born.
The story is already written. However, extraordinary shifts do occur that appear to be divine intervention - because humans cannot conceive how the Earth and all souls could be rapidly transformed by any other means. But even the miraculous events that soon will radically change all of our lives are, in fact, predestined to occur.

Q. Does God wait to see how our choices, stumblings and our longings work together to bring us to the point of surrender?

A. God is fully savouring the unfolding of all our stories within the impeccable context of the laws of balance and karma. Any random action by anyone would change the extremely complex matrix of the interconnected evolution of human souls. Random actions do not occur.
The laws of balance and karma require the blueprint for the story to be created in advance; predestination is the best way to ensure perfect balance and justice in human affairs. God does not whimsically override the blueprint with a new twist to the plot. God preprograms existence in His cosmic mind - a realm far beyond space, time and matter. He has no need to manipulate matter directly.
God knows His ultimate reality is the impersonal void of non-existence, and this knowledge tallies with my own experience and with the experience of fully enlightened meditators from Shiva to Buddha to Osho.
Q. These enlightened individuals were meditating within an Eastern context of understanding, and were already oriented toward the void being the ultimate. Pointing to these Eastern individuals is not enough to be convincing.

A. The recent shift of Eastern wisdom to the West fulfils an ancient Tibetan prediction. However enlightenment has been essentially an Indian and Eastern phenomenon since the dawn of civilization.
The ultimate reality of God, the transcendent source of existence, lies beyond the material realm. God the Father of Jesus is not a person. But God does create all people and He creates a personality for Himself when He contacts someone directly.
The impersonal nature of God's ultimate reality may be unpalatable to some, yet every buddha has verified this reality experientially. The fact that thousands of buddhas from different traditions have said much the same thing for millennia is very convincing.
Full enlightenment reveals a non-conceptual glimpse of God's ultimate mystery. The highest reality of God is the mystery of non-existence, the eternal void of awareness.
The concept of non-existence is just an indication of that arcane realm, like a finger pointing to the moon. We cannot understand God's ultimate reality conceptually.
God is both transcendental to the universe and immanent in all that exists. God-the-beyond is the source of life-as-God. We can know life-as-God. This is our direct experience every moment of every day.
My work as a divine messenger involves sharing some of God's ways. His way of Unity requires many different perspectives to be included, integrated and harmonized. Discussion and rational dissent are invited and welcome.
I have, however, verified the transformative aspects of these transmissions both with the application of reason and with direct experience. The challenge for you also is to verify the transformative potency of this message with reason and direct experience.
The hypothesis is: God is all there is and I am part of Him. When you feel this divine reunion deep within your heart, you will be free of separation forever.
God is all there is and you are ultimately that which you seek. But do not believe this or any spiritual concept until you know - both by the application of reason and by direct experience.


Christianity was created not by Jesus Christ, but by Paul and other followers long after the death of Jesus.
As is the case with most divine messengers, Jesus was ahead of his time and was rejected by his own people, the Jews. Now Jesus has become the most influential spiritual teacher of the last two millennia, and his message of love, forgiveness and salvation through faith in God still resonates with millions of devotional people all over the world.
Like Krishna, Shiva, Buddha and Moses before him, Jesus is deified and worshipped by his followers. All of these enlightened beings are believed to have miraculous powers, and are revered by many as gods on Earth.
The fact that Jesus and other long-departed teachers still appear to have spiritual power to help people open their hearts is significant. The illusion of disembodied teachers retaining individual spiritual power is a vital element in the theme of division and separation that is central to the Kali Yuga, the age of conflict and confusion.
The belief that salvation can come only through Christ, Krishna, or some other departed teacher clearly divides their followers - and sets the stage for the conflicts that have desecrated all the major religions.
Unity rests on a shared understanding that divine will manages the flow of all human experience. Only when we understand that God is the one indivisible power and is always in full control, will we be able to trust that everything is exactly as He requires it to be.
Most religious people find it incomprehensible that God is fully responsible for all abominations and evil in the world. Hence, the devil is needed to explain why people can be so cruel and unfair.
God creates life in pairs of complementary opposites: day and night, war and peace, yin and yang, good and evil. God creates evil as a necessary counterbalance to good. Contrast is required to impart true meaning and depth to every aspect of life.
Human evolution is a long and complex journey. Our stories need a context of suffering to give true depth and meaning to enlightenment, the love, bliss and freedom from suffering that is every soul's destiny.
The foundation for Unity is the recognition that every aspect of our lives is divinely animated. We are all one in God.
The four beautiful words of Jesus, Thy Will Be Done, express the essence of Unity. More significant spiritual words have never been uttered by anyone.

Four Words

Thy Will Be Done. These four words are potent: they support your transformation through surrender to God. If you understand them fully and apply the understanding to your life, the outcome is sublime surrender to divine will.
The effort for positive change supports the illusion of free will. Our effort does seem to make a difference. Yet our effort, creativity and every experience is actually predetermined by God. His will is always being done. He gives us the appearance of choice, but all our choices are predestined.
We are programed to act, think and feel according to God's will. He is the programer of the divisive ego-mind, which gives us the sense of separation from life-as-God.
He is the creator of the arrogance of our free will, and the creator of its dissolution and reunion with Him. He is the creator of our awakening. God manages every detail of everything.
Thy Will Be Done is the recognition and acceptance of how things already are, not a prayer for the future. If it is lived totally, Thy Will Be Done brings freedom from the divisions and separation of the ego.
The application of this understanding is not static, it is fully dynamic. One plays one's part in the drama of life with gusto, while remembering that God is all there is: the actors, the director, scriptwriter, producer and even the set and costume designer.
Thy Will Be Done is often misunderstood by dualistic theists who divide life into divine will and human will.
If we could choose against God's will, He would no longer be truly omnipotent in the sense that He is in direct control of all events always. If we cannot choose against God's will then free will is an illusion.
Human will is just a pale reflection of divine will, for God is all there is and His indivisible power always animates everything. God is totally omnipotent and fully in control.

The Realms of Existence

Existence is comprised of six realms: the universe; the energy, astral and psychic realms; the Self or Being; and the cosmic mind. The universe and the five non-material realms of existence are God's creative expression.
The universe is created along with the non-material realms of existence by the eternal mystery of Source, the seventh realm. God-the-beyond creates existence from His ultimate reality: the void of non-existence.
The laws of physics limit and separate our bodies in the material universe, but the other realms of existence offer the potential for us to transcend physical limitations and to merge with God in love and awareness. The seventh realm of non-existence remains God's ultimate mystery.
Book Three of this anthology reveals many of the esoteric secrets of the non-material realms of existence and shares a hint of the arcane seventh realm of God-the-beyond: transcendental awareness of consciousness.


'Our father who is in heaven, forgive us our sins.'
Praying for forgiveness may help you to feel better, but it does not address the basic problem: unconsciousness creates the climate in which sin thrives.
The effective way to transcend sin is to become more conscious. Pray to share your heart with God. Endeavour to act with more awareness. Purify your heart by releasing negativity harmlessly.
Buddha and Christ have become conscious and have thus transcended the need for morality. It is impossible to sin when you live in love, truth and awareness.
Your sins are a part of God's plan and are a necessary aspect of your process of purification and development of understanding. It is God who makes you sin, not His fictitious creation, the devil. And it is God who redeems the sins of all souls, no matter how great their crimes. No soul burns for eternity in hell.
Jesus is a beautiful man; you also are a child of God. You will come to know this only by spiritual growth. Do not waste time with platitudes; focus on your spiritual growth.
Be silent, tune in and discover who you really are: the eternal divine light of consciousness.

Being Conscious

Meditation differs from prayer and contemplation in that it is a direct non-verbal connection with deeper parts of yourself and, ultimately, with God as consciousness.
One difficulty for Christians is that your religion does not train you in the discipline of remaining conscious with every moment of life as it is.
The art of conscious living and being is not developed easily; most people need firm resolve to learn meditation.
Meditation starts with concentration to focus the mind in the herenow. Practicing concentration is the initial step to developing open and all-inclusive awareness.
The methods below and throughout this book start with concentration and flower into spontaneous awareness.
Start tuning in to your senses; they are divine doorways that connect you directly to this moment of life.
Be aware of your inner world of thoughts, energy and feelings. Watch every inner event closely and with equanimity. Gradually, as your capacity to watch your inner world grows, you develop the art of remaining relaxed and aware in all situations.
Meditation will bring about the end of your suffering, as it has for thousands of sincere seekers of truth. When meditation is combined with surrender to life-as-God, it is even more effective, and rapid spiritual growth occurs.
The synthesis of meditation and surrender is the most potent method of transformation. This method does not rely on unverified beliefs, but on a willingness to explore yourself consciously as you are. Give it a try.

Playfulness is Divine

During the 4,000 years of the age of darkness, the Kali Yuga, most religions tend to suffer from seriousness and hypocrisy.
God acted a little seriously with His messenger, Jesus, King of the Jews. Jesus was a beautiful man who gave his life for the meek, the poor in spirit. His sacrifice was necessary to create Christianity, the most influential religion of the age of darkness. Now times have changed.
The new religion of Unity has a primary commandment: Follow your intuition consciously, without causing harm to any creature. Naturally this cannot work while there are so many violent, uncaring people in the world. Nor can it work when there is such unequal distribution of wealth. Social and political injustice is at the root of much of the crime and violence that plague the world.
We all follow our intuition unconsciously. When we start to follow our intuition consciously - with the understanding that God is the one power that animates us all - we have the basis for a harmonious, just and conscious civilization.
Conscious celebration of life-as-God is a cornerstone of Unity. Joy and playfulness are divine.

Enquiry Not Belief

Holding unverified belief in irrational doctrines is not the way of authentic religion. Unverified beliefs are not your salvation but the barrier to it.
Belief is a poor substitute for a passionate thirst for truth. Unverified belief separates religion from reason. Unity does not require unverified belief. The new religion of Unity is rational and experiential.
You are asked to verify the teaching with reason and with direct experience. After your mind is satisfied that the concepts are rational, you embark on an experiential odyssey of self-discovery to enquire into the most significant existential questions: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is truth?
Self-enquiry is the foundation of authentic religion. All unverified beliefs are a hindrance to enquiry. Belief limits your intelligence and is not needed.
What is required is a thirst for truth. Unity invites you to put aside your beliefs and to embark on a quest for truth.
The hypothesis of Unity is that ultimately you are God. Become a seeker of truth with one hypothesis to verify empirically: God is all there is and I am already part of Him.
This verification heralds the end of religious division and creates the foundation for a rational understanding of religion that we all can share.
Past founders of religions have not created Unity. The reason is timing. Unity is scheduled for the dawn of the third millennium. The time for Unity is at hand.

The Way to Provoke God

It is easy to adopt unverified beliefs, but if you are really interested in existential truth, put your beliefs aside and use meditation and self-enquiry to discover your deeper nature.
The art of meditation lies in bringing the mind to the present moment while remaining relaxed and aware. Relaxation is the foundation of meditation; the peak of meditation is awareness. A state of unconditioned awareness reveals who you really are: the universal Self.
Enquiry starts as an intellectual approach. Apply your reason and intelligence to the message contained in this book and see if it makes sense.
The next stage of enquiry is experiential. The questions used in self-enquiry include: Who am I? Where do I come from? What is awareness? What is the source of mind?
The method is to be still, ask the question and then wait silently without thinking or losing focus. The gap of silent awareness is the key to the answer.
At first you will not be able to remain silent for long; your mind is trained for fast action. Gradually with diligent focus the periods of silence will increase and you will start to get a taste of silent contentless awareness.
Self-enquiry is a potent technique that reveals the higher universal Self: unconditioned awareness.
Before silent awareness reveals its subtle mysteries, your mind will need to release some of its unconscious tendencies. An effective preparation for silent self-enquiry is to do the following enquiry exercise with a partner.
One person asks: Who are you right now? The other answers with his or her present experience.
Every ten minutes switch roles. Continue this exercise for as long as you like. This process is used in workshops for long periods of time and produces dramatic results.
Conscious enquiry into your inner reality together with verbal sharing helps to clean your mind quickly. This process is more demanding than repeating words from a holy book, and the rewards are also much greater.
Eventually, when all of your unconsciousness has been cleaned, you are freed from suffering and live in love and bliss in heaven on Earth. Enlightenment is your destiny; it has happened to many thousands of sincere seekers, not just to Jesus.
It is reward enough in itself to be inwardly silent, blissful and serene in all circumstances. And there is still more.
While I was resting in silent awareness God revealed Himself to me. This divine revelation was a big surprise for I had never been a believer. Millions of believers are inviting God to come to them. But even the most fervent belief rarely provokes God to come to anyone.
The way to provoke God to reveal Himself is through conscious surrender to reality as a reflection of divine will, and through a deep immersion in silent awareness.
Meditation and self-enquiry are potent methods that cleanse your mind and connect you to the higher reality of universal consciousness.
God comes only to those who have passed through their own unconsciousness and are ready to face the intensity of His light.


Please understand that this message is not against your beliefs; it is just an invitation to apply reason to religion and to become an authentic seeker of truth.
God is in you already. He created you with limitations so that you can transcend them as you grow in love, awareness and surrender to Him.
Spiritual growth requires a human body. When most people die they are still unconscious. Your soul creates new bodies until you are fully enlightened; it takes more than 100 lives for your soul to grow to its full potential.
Between lives, your soul goes to a psychic realm to prepare for your next life. Heaven and hell are both part of the psychic realm that Tibetans call bardo.
Your soul is a psychic entity; it is non-material. The only material realm is the universe that we live in.
Heaven is not the goal, it is just a temporary experience for the soul between lives. The ultimate experience for humans is to merge consciously with God.
Merging with God happens here on Earth as you grow in unconditional love, awareness and playfulness.
As you dissolve in the pristine purity of God's light you are free from your illusion of separation from the Beloved. Only in the innocence of your merger with divine light can you reunite with the mystery of the magnificent hidden splendour: God's ecstatic silent paradise of heaven on Earth.

Love Thy Neighbour

The commandment to love your neighbour as yourself is a beautiful invitation, but unconditional love for others does not happen until you have developed self-love.
When you love yourself, only then will you be able to love your neighbour, not before. The way to achieve self-love is similar to the method of becoming awake.
For millennia, meditation has proved to be the most effective method of purifying the unconscious mind. Other techniques of catharsis, therapy and emotional release are also necessary for the first stage of cleaning. These methods help prevent the ego from becoming holy, pious and adept at hiding itself behind a veil of hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is an epidemic that infects many Christians. You pray to God for strength to resist the devil, without realizing that the devil is your own repressed negativity.
You have to clean your unconscious mind of all the demons that live in the darkness: violence, self-pity, fear, jealousy, greed, hatred, ignorance and anger. There can be no unconditional love while your unconscious mind is burdened with these limitations.
God has created you with limitations so that you can grow in consciousness and finally transcend them.
Mental and emotional cleaning is achieved through the discipline of meditation: conscious self-encounter. As you grow in consciousness through the practice of meditation, unconditional love for humanity is certain to follow.
But Christianity is not designed to facilitate this essential growth in consciousness. Christianity is a lifeline to connect you to God and to give you trust in His will.
Now is the time to take the challenge, to put aside your limiting and unverified beliefs and to develop conscious self-love by purifying your heart and mind.
Unconditional love for your neighbour and for every human being will follow your growth in consciousness, as will an even greater blessing: the freedom and ecstacy of enlightenment that is your birthright and your destiny.

The Mind of God

'Why is it that we and the universe exist. If we found the answer to that question, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we would know the mind of God.' Stephen Hawking, astrophysicist.

The universe and the non-material realms of existence are a reflection of God's infinite intelligence and creativity. Existence is God's manifesto.
No material creation is a real challenge for divine intelligence. It is easy for God to preprogram the creation of any phenomenal manifestation; galaxies such as our own continue to evolve and to birth stars as the universe continues to expand.
God's greatest satisfaction and interest is creativity. His ultimate creative challenge lies in applying the extremely complex laws of karma and balance in human affairs.
The law of karma requires that every action, word and thought of every human being returns to him or her in an equal and appropriate measure.
Every day billions of humans are thinking, interacting and experiencing themselves and others in an amazing variety of ways.
The full complexity of billions of souls interacting during the millennia of their evolution in perfect cosmic justice is impossible for us to embrace and comprehend.
When we look at life with natural human myopia, it is difficult to see the justice and balance that are the central themes underpinning all human affairs.
The law of karma makes sense only in the context of a soul evolving over many lives. From the perspective of only one life, human affairs are clearly unfair, unjust and unbalanced. However from a cosmic perspective, human experiences are totally fair, just and balanced.
The momentous challenge of creating perfect justice and equilibrium through the laws of karma and balance is more satisfying to God than star-making or any other creation in the realm of matter.
Karma means all harm that you do eventually returns to you in an appropriate way; help that you give to others comes back as your own future good fortune.
The law of balance means that all negative and positive experiences are, during the lifetime of your soul, exactly equal. Your suffering is equally balanced by love, bliss and ecstasy. Torment and tribulation are balanced by enlightenment and reunion with God.
The law of balance requires that the entire saga of every soul's interactions, thoughts, feelings and all experiences are authored in advance of that soul's creation.
The intricate interconnections of the complex mosaic of life, which are reflected in the laws of karma and balance, occur neither by chance nor by divine improvisation.
Every choice you make is preprogramed in the cosmic mind of God prior to the creation of your soul.
Preprograming allows God to witness every event with His transcendental cosmic eye and to experience His intricate creation vicariously with all six billion souls as their unique destiny unfolds.
Every event affects the complex interconnected web of existence; any random actions would alter the fabric of the entire intricate matrix.
This is one reason why all existence, including the most insignificant of events, is created in the cosmic mind of God prior to its manifestation.
These insights into the cosmic mind of God support your trust in life. Most importantly, understanding the laws of karma and balance support your trust that God is managing your life with perfect justice and equilibrium.
Trust is vital for surrender, and conscious surrender is the door to enlightenment and reunion with God.
God is sharing openly with us now to celebrate the new dawn of consciousness. Soon our violent, corrupt and unfair world will be transformed into heaven on Earth; the underlying justice and balance will be revealed and we will celebrate the new age of peace, truth and justice.
These messages come to me from the cosmic mind of God. Every thought in everyone's brain also originates with God, who disguises Himself as your mind and thinks in you. This message of Unity differs from most thoughts in that it comes from God as a direct communication from Him about His ways.
God has been using prophets to share His messages for millennia but no divine message has yet brought an end to division and helped to create Unity.
Time will tell if this message realizes its ambitious potential: to help bring an end to all conflict and division by providing an effective and workable foundation for the new way of Unity.


You do not know who you are; this is the basic problem. God is all there is. Therefore you are a part of God, but you have forgotten where you came from. You can understand that this must be true, yet forgetfulness runs deep.
The reason for your apparent separation from God is to create the context for your reunion. This is the divine play of hide and seek, or leela.
Your situation is created, experienced and witnessed by God. He knows everything you need to experience before the time of your reunion. You can relax and leave your circumstances to God. He knows what He is doing.
There is no benefit in petitioning God to improve your circumstances. Use your circumstances as an opportunity to grow in acceptance of reality. Reality is not accidental; it is the will of God. Accept your reality and connect to Him directly. You may not get what you want, but God always gives you exactly what you need.
Pray to share your heart and to connect consciously to God. When you pray, leave gaps of silence to just feel Him. Prayer is sharing you heart with God. He is the eternal silent Beloved.

The Devil

God is omnipotent. He exerts unlimited power always. God is fully responsible for all evil as well as for all good. The cosmic law of balance, within which God has chosen to constrain His creation of human affairs, requires God to create evil and good in exactly equal amounts.
The devil is a divine fiction created by God as a device to help compound the confusion of the age of darkness. As we evolve into the new age of light, this diabolical fabrication will no longer be required. God's omnipotence will be clearly manifest to everyone.
Christians blame the devil for events that seem ungodly to them, and they credit the devil with the power to fight God and to sabotage His work. They have forgotten that God is truly in charge. If there were a devil out of God's control that made you sin, God would not be omnipotent.
Christians want to be good and often view their failure as interference from the devil. It seems that the devil is really in control since there is so much pain, suffering and injustice in the world.
In reality, however, there is only God and He is fully in charge. He wants things to be like this now and He will change things when the time is right.
The belief that the devil is making people sin is inaccurate. There is no devil with the power to tempt priests and turn them into paedophiles.
You are befooled by blind belief in your scriptures and your preachers. The Old Testament was given to the prophets by God during primitive times with very simple people. God gave basic ethical instructions to help them with their ignorance of morality. You have matured since those old days of Moses and the prophets.
According to the Bible, when Jesus was fasting for 40 days in the desert, the devil tempted him with all the kingdoms of the world. The test, of course, was managed by God impersonating the devil. And God had also arranged the outcome: Jesus declined the offer, passed his test and started his work as a divine messenger.
The devil is your unconscious mind: your hatred, fear, ignorance, jealousy, anger, greed and your violence to God's creatures that you kill and eat.
All of these limitations are in you and are put there by the indivisible power of the One, not by the fictitious devil. The devil is purely symbolic and does not exist; never has and never will. God is truly omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Without exception. Always.


You are deeply and unconsciously conditioned from birth with all kinds of beliefs, many of which are irrational. Deconditioning takes time and requires a desire to be free from unverified, limiting and irrational beliefs.
Westerners are often brought up to believe in Christian values, not all of which are accurate or rational. Examine your own beliefs on the following:
There is only one life, and when it ends you go to heaven or hell for eternity.
Believers in Jesus will go to heaven when they die.
Non-believers in Jesus go to hell or purgatory.
Jesus is the only way to God.
We are sheep; Jesus is the shepherd.
The day of judgement will reveal our reward for fervent unquestioning belief in Jesus as the only way to God.
God is our father in heaven.
God is distant and authoritarian.
Fear of God is religious.
It is time to become an authentic seeker of truth, not an unquestioning believer. The way to start deconditioning is to recognize that you are conditioned with unconscious beliefs. Put your unverified beliefs aside and validate all religious concepts with reason and direct experience.
Your trust in the perfection of God's will is the means to accept yourself now, as He wants you to be. Grow close to Him through conscious surrender to life-as-God.
God is in you. He made you. He is you. He loves you more than you can know.

Rapid Sustainable Growth

Spiritual growth is fundamentally the merger of an individual soul with divine consciousness. This impregnation of your soul with cosmic energy is not lost when one body dies. Spiritual growth is the only thing you take with you after death and is thus the very best investment of your time, energy and money.
The soul retains its previous growth in awareness when it reincarnates. But the new nervous system must accommodate the growth of the soul in the physical body.
Even for previously enlightened people who are born with evolved nervous systems it takes time for the body to prepare to receive the immense input of cosmic energy harmoniously.
This is why previously enlightened people usually do not rediscover their enlightenment until they are 18 to 35 years old. For the vast majority of seekers who were not previously enlightened, the challenge of harmoniously absorbing strong inputs of cosmic energy is far greater.
In both cases the nervous system must expand to cope with the challenge. Rushing this growth through intense initiations from a spiritual teacher can be dangerous.
As old unconscious structures dissolve in divine light some disturbance is unavoidable, but the extent of this disturbance needs to be limited to what is bearable and sustainable.
Skilful teachers employ methods that allow the nervous system to evolve at the fastest rate that can be sustained without causing severe disturbance.
The optimum situation for rapid sustainable growth is the one we enjoy at Maitreya Meditation Centre. Twice-daily satsangs with an enlightened teacher for extended periods of time is the fastest sustainable method of spiritual growth. All who thirst for truth are welcome here.


Divine messengers have a challenging role to play in the drama of life. God speaks to humanity through His messengers and they are often greeted with scepticism and ridicule. To kill a divine messenger is one of the greatest crimes; it brings much suffering to the killers. The karma that is created is immense.
Jesus was a man of peace with a message of love. He was accused of blasphemy for claiming to be the son of God, but he had committed no crime. The Jewish establishment of those times was afraid of the beauty of Jesus and the appeal of his message of love. Jesus was crucified because he posed a threat to the status quo.
The status quo is always against the new. Nowadays, many of the followers of Jesus-the-rebel are the establishment. The establishment is always reactionary.
It is almost time to bring the kingdom of God to Earth. Are you capable of receiving that much divine light? Start purification of your body, mind and heart today.


These transmissions are from God, the creator of you and all existence. Their main purpose is to support your trust in God's omnipotence. Total divine omnipotence is the only workable foundation for Unity that is free from the possibility of human distortion. Reality is a reflection of God's will. Spiritual surrender is to life-as-God.
Some parts of this message will contradict your beliefs. You are being asked not to change those beliefs but to understand that unverified beliefs prevent your discovery of the truth. Most religions are founded on beliefs. Unity needs no belief, just a single hypothesis: God is all there is and I am already part of Him.
The self-enquiry of authentic religion is to verify this hypothesis by experience and the application of reason.
Self-enquiry is the way to discover the truth. Empirical knowledge resting on a rational foundation has the most significance for a spiritual person. Repeating words from holy books dulls your passion for truth.
It takes courage and authenticity to admit that you do not know much without belief in your religion. Yet there is no other way to know the truth than through self-enquiry, conscious living and the application of reason - supported by a deep trust in life-as-God.
True religion is the science of the inner world. When you understand this, you put aside all unverified beliefs. Only then does the adventure of discovery begin.


The doctrine of eternal hellfire is inaccurate and frightens many people. Eternity is too long for even the worst criminal to burn. Those who preach fear in the name of the God of love are not reflecting His true nature.
Hell is a part of the psychic realm that the soul goes to between lives for purification of negative actions, words and thoughts.
Souls are in the psychic realm of hell for varying times between lives, depending in part on previous karma. Hell is not to punish you for your sins but to balance some of your karma.
All actions, words and thoughts eventually return to you in equal measure - both negative and positive. Negative karma is not balanced by positive actions; the consequences of negativity must return to you. Positive actions create future good fortune but do not erase bad karma.
You are perfect as God wants you to be now, and yet your potential is much more. The message of this book is an invitation from God to grow closer to Him through surrender to life-as-God.
Unverified beliefs will not help you to be purified by His light. For purification you need trust, awareness, authenticity, love and playfulness. Soon His light will cleanse the Earth. Prepare to face the light.


The destiny of every soul is to surrender to the will of God. Surrender is supported by the recognition of divine omnipotence. You understand: God is already managing every detail of everything.
Practically, you endeavour to try your best while surrendering control of the outcome of your efforts to God: not my will, but Thy will be done. Whatever comes to pass is in God's hands; we have no say at all in the matter. Every effort you appear to make is orchestrated and animated by God thinking and feeling in your mind and heart.
Divine omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience allow God to create everything as He requires for the complex needs of the divine drama.
The understanding of true and total divine omnipotence frees you from the mistaken belief that you are in control. You function as an instrument of God, and He manages you through your intuition, mind and heart.
Divine animation is already the case for you and everyone; it does not have to be achieved through 'my surrender'. Only your experiential recognition of this deeper underlying reality is required.


The constants that govern the physical laws of the universe are set with an amazing precision, a precision that makes life on Earth and an orderly cosmos possible. If any of these constants were altered by a tiny margin, galaxies, planets and life would not exist.
It is so remarkable that the physics of the universe are fine-tuned within the narrow range that permits life on Earth and an orderly cosmos that scientists can posit only two explanations: either there is a vast multiplicity of universes, each one governed by different constants, or the universe is fine-tuned by a divine hand.
As a result of the growing evidence in support of intelligent design, many scientists now agree that God exists: the exquisite order displayed by scientific understanding of the universe calls for the divine. Blind faith in God is no longer required.
Advaita is theistic in a different way from Judaism and Christianity. The advaita understanding arises from the awakened experience of conscious oneness.
Every buddha has discovered that consciousness is at the source of mind. The human mind is the most sophisticated creation on Earth; it is reasonable to conclude that less complex creations also spring from consciousness.
When the reality of conscious oneness is extended in logic the conclusion is: consciousness is all there is. This means the universe is condensed consciousness and the source of the universe is consciousness of an unknown type.
The step from here to God comes with the observation that life is innately intelligent. This leads to the conclusion that the source of the universe whence life sprang must be of a superior intelligence to that of the universe.
God-the-beyond can be characterized as conscious transcendental intelligence. This understanding can be verified by any enlightened person with the experience of conscious oneness and an understanding of advaita.
Unenlightened people can understand that all of the awakened ones say much the same thing: Life is one - you are an intrinsic part of divine consciousness.
If this oneness is accepted as hypothetically true, then reason leads to the same conclusion: consciousness is all there is. Unified conscious intelligence is synonymous with God. Therefore, God is all there is.
This understanding strays far away from the authoritarian father in heaven of the Jews and Christians. Jehovah is out of date. He was strict and moralistic and easily displeased with His followers. He punished them with disasters and threatened them with pestilence and plague if they failed to follow His rules.
Jehovah had a purpose in the past: to bring some order and morality to the unruly tribes of the Middle East. Times have changed. God is love, awareness and playfulness. His disguise as the authoritarian and serious Jehovah is no longer required.
The main barrier to truth for believers is their scriptures. This is bound to upset those who value their holy books more than they value truth, but God is not limited by any scripture.
Orthodox religious people sacrifice spiritual intelligence at the altar of unquestioning belief. They think that God has given their religion His true message, yet He has given different instructions to every religion. How can you be so certain that your scriptures are more accurate than others? Just because you believe they are?
Widen your perspective a little to understand: God is all there is and I am part of Him. Blind believers from all religions are not prepared to face the light of God when it transforms every soul. Training in meditation and unconditional love are needed to assimilate the divine light.
If you are a believer in unverifiable scriptures, please try to understand the point of these books and accept the challenge to become a seeker of truth.
The time has come to redeem the concept of religion from the disrepute it has accrued through millennia of blind belief, and to reinstate its true meaning of authentic spiritual enquiry.
The time has come to reclaim our understanding of God from the divisive distortions of the past, and to know Him as He really is now.
God is the divine life force in you and in everything: the lov