You are supremely naive if you think this issue is easily fixed.

On one hand, if Porsche let the dealers decides who gets what, which is like what's happening now, the market adjustment thing is staying forever. The current mess will not go away.

On the other hand if that decision is taken out of the dealers' hand, HQ may not know what's best for each location, perhaps there are new customers that HQ doesn't know and the dealer wants new blood into the Porsche family.

The current system of half and half, where the 918 VIPs gets car and the dealers decide on the other half is also broken.  Too many customers lay the blame on the 918 VIPs about hoarding cars. And the dealers lay the blame on the VIPs complaining that they took away their allocations which could be given to their 'customers'.

There is no perfect solution. 

The closest thing would be for the dealers to report all their orders to PCNA and let PCNA sort out fake orders vs real orders. Dealers won't like it, but it's how Ferrari operate with their halo cars. But people also complaints as the priority goes to previous collectors and those that participate in the Challenge series. Running the Challenge series is a sure thing to short cut the line to Ferrari halo cars. Something I am tempted to do, but then again it's the same as pay market adjustment on a car, in this case, it would be blowing around 600k a year into thin air. 
