I agree with the comments made earlier by Rossi and nberry.

I don't have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini but my view (based on owning a 911 and seeing other people's reaction to Ferraris and Lamborghinis on the street) is that Ferraris and Lamborghinis are certainly more of an attention-grabber than my Porsche so what I have to say is even more true of, relatively speaking, more 'exotic' cars like Ferrari and Lamborghini.

Choosing the colour should be about what pleases you. Keeping it low-key may be a factor for you but should IMHO be no more than a small factor, never IMHO the main one. Otherwise you'll be choosing a colour to suit the possible actions of others rather than because of the joy you will feel.

I would add one more factor that you should consider. The views expressed here are from people in the USA or Italy or Germany etc etc. Sure, they share certain security concerns BUT you are in the UK and these issues manifest themselves LOCALLY. You need to focus on the fact that you are in the UK. Indeed, where you are WITHIN the UK is crucial. I would exercise great care where I took a F430 in the UK. In certain places, you'll no doubt be absolutely fine. In others, after parking somewhere for a few hours, you might be lucky if there are wheels left. I would say that you should just use your common sense about car security erring towards the cautious side.

But it does depend heavily on where you are. In many parts of London, people make no fuss at all about my 911. They are literally everywhere in some areas. In certain parts of London (e.g. Kensington, Mayfair), Ferraris and Lamborghinis are fairly common - it's no 'rare event' seeing one). However, when you leave the affluent parts of major cities and 'home counties' towns/villages, even seeing a Boxster can be a major event (let alone a Ferrari or a Lamborghini). It's all relative!

I think the scratching/vandalism risk is that much greater in the UK than elsewhere. I think British thugs are just worse than those elsewhere.

Other than that - many congrats - wish you much joy!