If the government wanted to stop pollution they would ban new cars from having emissions above a certain ratio.

This isnt a tax on gass guzzlers as if i had a gt i'd be paying as much as a golf 1.8 turbo!

Basicly i'm worse off and so are my friends and every hard working young person in the uk!

We have the highest taxes and what i find funny is how can the uk have an economy the same as the usa!

When the u.s has 300 million people and 3.7 million sq miles.

The uk has 60 million and 94500 sq miles, no wonder everthings nearly double the price!

In 1987 uk petrol was 37 pence per litre 20 years later is around 90 pence, road tax is astronomical, we dont have a free dental service and the nhs is crippled!