nberry said:
devo said:
nberry said:
Alan(NJ) said:
I assume you bought the 430 for all around performance. The Z06 beats it in every performance category.

If you paid an additional $170,000 for the Ferrari name I ask you where is the value? The 430 will depreciate faster than the Z06 (sic - if the Ferrari is driven).

If quality is what your referring to I have no doubt the Z06 longevity will be as good if not better than the 430.

If tracking the car is a consideration then I am puzzled. Ferrari voids the warranty for tracking and GM does not.

Now why is the Ferrari a far better car?

The car does not cost me one cent to own.


How can you say that the 430 doesn't cost you one cent to own? Clearly, you had to bow to the F-car God and take it in the pants to even have the opportunity to own the 430. (Eventually, even the 430 WILL depreciate.)

Cost of ownership should also be measured by maintenance and allowable miles driven. While a 997tt may be mileage sensitive, the 430 is EXTREMELY mileage sensitive. You have to keep the miles at less than 2k per year to have a decent resale. And, that is after paying $5k bi-annually for the mandated servicing.

So, over the years, even your glorious F-car costs you some bucks! Gorgeous car though.

Devo, I responded to your argument in an earlier post on this thread.

BTW I took delivery of my 430 Spider on Dec. 3 2005. Today I have 6700 miles on it. The total cost for maintenance has been $1160.00. My car today is worth much more than what I paid for it. The base price of a 430 Spider F1 is $204,000 before options. Today, 430 Spiders are selling anywhere from $275,000 to $300,000.

This whole argument started because one poster stated that the 997TT is a FAR better car than the Z06. Undoubtedly, the TT is a better car but FAR better?

"Far better" is subjective. I could argue the same point. I have no problem saying it, if the cost was the same, I'd pick the 430. (P-fans, go ahead and bash away) However, I don't think that the price difference is worth it for either scenario; Z06-997tt or 997tt-430. I believe that I can honestly say, I don't think there is $60k more performance in the tt nor is there $80k more excitment in the 430. The 430's best attributes are its sex appeal and resale.

Your numbers seemed a little skewed. Isn't there a bi-annual $5k maintenance requirement? Will a $204,000 base priced 430 Spyder with your type of mileage bring $275,000-$300,000? I'm not trying to argue it; I'm curious. Sorry, if we already had this discussion.