ADias said:
nberry said:
Maybe they will improve the exhaust with the powerkit. Yesterday I was behind one in my mini and it sounded very whimpish. I just don't know why they castrated the car.

You all have to grow up. The car is not castrated! The loud sounding exhausts only appeal to people with a need to show themselves... perhaps they themselves lack something.

Every time I'm on a 30MPH traffic lane and hear a loud exhaust, 9 out of 10 times it is an F360/430 or some such. How ridiculous... sounding like 120MPH but only doing 30MPH. A loud dog with no bite - really!

I agree with you and mvd, I like cars that perform, not making noise for the sake of it.

In my books, the quieter the car is, the better as I can do my business, enjoy the music, talk on the phone or with my passenger, pass by the cop speeding.

I think several car magazines rate cars in a similar manner, cars actually get higher points with less db.