Some questions for other cabriolet owners.

(1) Do you bother to select "ECO" for the a/c when the top is down?

(2) Are you really using the windscreen? (Sometimes I just like it without it).

(3) Is the top control mechanism a little difficult for you when trying to raise or lower AND handle a shifter, e.g., in a parking lot?

(4) Do your rear windows come back up after you have lowered the top or do you have to manually intervene after the top down mechanism is finished raising up the front windows?

(5) Do you find less turbulance (without the windscreen up) with the rear windows down?

(6) Do you have a hardtop? Do you wish you did? (I like the options afforded by having one).

Just some cab-unique questions. Of course, I'm not going to even as kif you wish you had bought the coupe instead,--I can't think of anyone who would be serious enough to buy a cabriolet to have second thoughts about a coupe instead.
