I'd try it again this time without an appointment. Sounds like you were in a rush.

It rotates because it has to when you rotate. The roads ( & names) disappear because you're zooming out it and the road names would be totally unreadable on a 6x6 inch square looking at a large area. When you zoom out and the back roads disappear it's to show you the major highways. If it didn't do this there would be so many streets & highways on the screen you could never make sense of it. Zoom out shows major highways, zoom in shows backroads........ Makes sense once you use it a few times.

I never read the manual and absolutely love the way it works especially as a map.

Here's a tip when using it as a map - If you're going backstreets you need to keep it somewhat close and don't zoom out but if you lose your bearing and need to zoom out that's fine check the distance (on the bottom right) that you are currently viewing map, zoom out and then zoom back in at the same distance, you'll never have a street disappear.

I've had other nav systems and none are anywhere close to as good. It's more complicated than other's but it gives you so much more in the way you can use it as a map that's it's best feature. No way you're going to get the hang of it if you're in a total rush to get someplace and you're trying it for the very first time.