I've seen a few of the new XK's around town and always with the top down (hey, this Miami). They are really nice to look and have a nice exhaust note. But then I saw my first coupe and I fell in love. It is a B E A U T I F U L L car. It was black with 20" rims and it meant the business. I went the next day and test drove one. I've owned a Jag before, an XJ and was dissapointed so I didn't even consider Jag when looking for a new car. But they have made some serious changes to the cars and this one is fantastic.

OK the burl walnut dash was all fuddy duddy but one of the cars that was sold had the aluminum package interior with black leather seats and it looked great.

It wasn't a mean car to drive. It had speed and great shifting (as much as the salesman would allow me) and believe me you got looks and ahhh's from the folks.

I left the dealer asking myself what do I have to think about, just buy it. I held back and thought XKR.

The XK is great especially as a GT, but add that R and I am in heaven.

Sure, it looks like an Aston Martin DB9, but you know what, given that I think the Aston is the most beautiful car today, that's not a bad thing. And at half the price, what a bargain!

I'm told the XKR will arrive here in the States around December. Well, Merry Christmas to me!