
What's the excuse for the GT R being quicker, RC? There must be something wrong with it? 

It seems to be faster on one track but maybe you can get one, I come with the R8 and we can try again. 😎

Seriously: It is definetely a fast car but straight line, it can't harm the R8 and on the track, well...it comes down 90% to driver skills anyway, so I'm not worried.

Btw: It was Markus who doubted the peformance of the GT R but since this is a press car and AMG has a "history" with press cars...well...why don't you get yourself one and we can try?! 😉

So if it's down to the driver, you'll definitely have the advantage, right? Smiley

Kidding aside, I'm very interested in the GT R as a product (don't really care how quick it is). The only thing I'm worried of on the basis of earlier GT's and GT S's is the horrendous depreciation. But given the current demand for the GT R that might be less of an issue with this model.

I am not so sure if demand for the GTR is high - there is just no (zero) supply... So everything is very much distorted by the delayed SOP Smiley