sdy284 said:
yea, its in the catalog in white....but out of all the colors i've seen it in so far, white honestly looks the best. They could've launched the car in yellow & put it in the catalog in yellow, and if i saw pictures of a white one, i still would've chosen white

Well that's the real question isn't it.

White is an uncommon color for Porsches. Ask your dealer how easy it is to sell a white Porsche. Despite that, It is by far the color of choice for the GT3. Because the GT3 is so different from other 911's that it is the only model that looks so good in white? Baloney. Most of you haven't even see the GT3 in person. The reason you think it looks so good in white is because the Porsche pics of it are terrific pics that make the car look gorgeous, and they happen to be of a white car . . .

C'mon - look at the numbers . . .

Search pre-owned 996 GT3's and see how many are yellow compared to other 911's.

This influence is real, whether you want to believe it or you'd rather come up with some rationalization that helps you not. This poll has completely convinced me.