Crash said:
Of course. However, there are so many better performers, who never succeed due to bad marketing, but these girls did (of course this is just my opinion - and no, their dancing and singing skills don't seem all that spectacular to me). Of course, we should all say: "good for them", but then again, there are so many other people, who are brighter, more competent and much more valuable in the grand scheme of things, who don't earn nearly as much money as these girls do, simply because they don't have a bunch of horny, unsexed males and giggly teenagers buying their albums, that's all. There are many other male and female artists, for whom I sincerely believe that they deservedly are where they are (they actually ARE good). Being born from a TV show doesn't guarantee quality, however it does guarantee a fanatical following. Not wanting to sound too negative, this is simpky my opinion on the matter.

All that is true but the same thing applies to Jason Plato.I'm sure there are many people that are better for the job.