easy_rider911 said:
I thought Top Gear's second episode was an improvement on the absolutely dire first episode of this new series.

As for last night's Fifth Gear - I quite enjoyed parts of it...Maserati Quattroporte, BMW M5 vs BMW M6, watching Jason Plato drive the wheels off a 997S in an attempt to scare the girls from Girls Aloud sh*tless. I liked the donut world record too.

I must say Jason was openly rude, patronising, sexist and condescending to them. So what if they are hopeless drivers? They didn't claim to be good drivers. They were just prepared to give it a go.

I think they have already earned more in the past 3 years as second rate popstars than Jason Plato has in 15-20 years as an also ran driver and TV presenter!

It's the last part that I have a problem with. Of course it could be classified as envy, but it's inconcievable to me that a bunch of no-talent low-IQ women, with no real ability, can earn more than a racecar driver, who also happens to be in one of the most quality car shows on TV. Of course, they will be long gone in a couple of years, but one still finds it incredible.