SoCalHoosier said:

No offense but...
Let us know when you're old enough to buy one yourself.
After driving them around a few years and getting the boy-racer side out of your system, let us know what you think of what Porsche used to build and what they build now with regards to their current competition.

When I hear you say what you say, you sound much like I did as a teen before I owned my first Porsche. Wide-eyed and easily awed... trust me... it's been really dumbed down since then, not to mention less exotic as each year goes by.

I know how to drive, have driven the 996tt, 997s, and many boxters along with bmw's, audis, etc. I'm no wide eyed doe. I have lived and breathed cars since as long as I can remember. I know I don't own the car, but I do know how to read, and since we are all basing our opinions on what car mags have written I believe my opinion is a valid as the next. Yes it probably isn't as exciting as a Ferrari, but is faster, handles better and stops quicker.Just because it does all of this with less drama does not necessarily mean its dumbed down. The autocar article even said it had better steering feel than the 599. Thats pretty important to me. Much more so than how loud the car gets or how twitchy and "raw" a car feels. To each his own I guess.