Uber-porker said:
Some of the comments regarding the 997TT's banality are simply amazing.I think people are taking the Porsche/Porsche Turbo products for granted. They are now routinely described as ho-hum, unstylish, boring or "passionless". Now let's image for a minute, our world if there wasn't a Porsche and never had been. Then today a upstart new, unknown car company (perhaps from Jupitor) introduced the 997TT to the market. I think the aclaim from the automotive world would be unbelievable, unrestricted and unremitting. Especially if order at non-existing Porsche price points. It would probably be deemed the best car ever and the gold standard for the new world automotive order. Some things aren't appreciated until they're gone. This from a guy whose never owned one and is waiting for delivery this June.

Let's say Japan instead of Jupiter. It's nearer home.

The Honda NSX comes to mind. Technically, it was a fantastic effort for a company with no history of building exotic sportscars. The sportscar world showed its gratitude by taking fewer than 5 cars a day off Honda's hands at some times during its life. At the time, Honda was involved in F1 racing.

I'll leave it to Nick to tell you how poor the 911 TT's acceptabilty on the market is. (I think that 6000 cars/annum is the figure he mentioned recently).