IMO, absurd to require addtl training for buyers of upscale, high-powered cars

Based upon the relatively cheap premiums major ins cos. charge to insure $150K+ new cars, I suspect the vast majority of buyers of these new cars (used car buyers tend to be a "different" demographic ) actually have much cleaner driving records/claims hx than many ostensibly "normal", safe middle-class (or below) drivers.....

Have rarely seen new $150K+ cars being driven irresponsibly (briskly, yes, but in a very safe, alert manner)....I suspect Darwinian selection is reasonably efficient....most guys who can afford these cars have decent risk-reward judgement...and, if they don't, and have a crash vs someone w/fewer bucks, at least in US, plenty of hungry personal injury lawyers will release them of a chunk of their assets (after all, most ambitious ambulance chasers want to move up from mere F's to NetJets )....and risk of vehicular manslaughter charges in any accid involving excess speed is another poss deterrant to most....

More worrisome are those with "less to lose"....the guy tailgating/weaving in/out of lanes at 100MPH+ in a rusty SUV/pickup, perhaps late to work at McD's/WalMart/BestBuy...or the drunk guy in the mere 150hp car....likely far more dangerous (and prevalent) scenarios than the typical 40yo tech guy/hedge fund mgr driving to office in his 65/driving his 430Spider on wkend w/wife to dinner....