What a fantastic day. I've managed to get just over 200 miles on the clock today baring in mind 70 of them were just coming back from the dealer. The car is filthy, some of you might like to hear.

Today, I had two lovely young ladies trying to get my attention at the OPC as I was driving out onto the main road. Had a brief chat before moving on. I've had countless numbers of young lads waving and showing their appreciation of the car as I drove past them. I've had Yamaha R6 pull along side me on the M18 and try to egg me on for a race, but didn't satisfy his hunger and last but not least I experience the glorious PSE. I never knew this car would grab so much attention, it was and is an incredible experience.

The pics taken at the dealer today are a little bit on the poor side to be honest, due mainly to over exposure as the sun was causing really bad solar reflections within the dealers showroom. So, i'll post some pics tomorrow once she's clean again.

There is a couple of photos one of the dealer driving the car out of the showroom, and one with my mother and I stood by the car when I stopped by to show the car off.

Full write up of my experience and substantially more images tomorrow after a Swissol session.