SoCal Alan said:
sdy284 said:
nberry said:
easy_rider911 said:
How can someone who has his coffee flown in from a coffee plantation in Hawaii tolerate Starbucks? Either you just can't tell the difference or you're offering up the usual pile of excrement that passes for an 'opinion'.

Please have some self-respect Nick!

I order at Starbucks a double expresso Machietto which is nothing more than expresso pour through foam. A nice afternoon kick.

I have tried using a home expresso machine and it just doesn't taste as good. You need good water pressure to do the job right. I suppose I could pay $3000 for good Italian expresso machine but then I would not have a reason to drive my Ferrari.

so you only use it to drive to Starbucks?
Oh thats right i forgot, you're not "supposed" to actually drive F cars...

Since we're talking about Nick, his Ferrari, and Starbucks, I thought it might be time to bring out that classic picture again...

Is that Nick?
