F1reblade said:
You need my TTS, PSM only comes in after the event and it gives you the biggest thrills just sorting its mess out.

By definition, ESP systems like PSM do come in after the event, because they are not equipped with a crystal ball. They react to signals from various sensors not "matching up", suggesting that the car has become unstable.

You imply in your posts that you have had a nasty moment, which you apparently blame on the PSM system, but as far as I can see you have not described the circumstances. PSM will not prevent a car from becoming initially unstable, it can only intervene after it detects instability to try to correct the situation by applying the appropriate inputs. A well-tuned ESP system, such as PSM is, can be better relied on to apply the right corrective inputs than any driver can: For instance, there are no drivers out there capable of braking individual wheels as PSM does.

Nevertheless, PSM is not totally foolproof, because some situations can be so bad that neither the best driver nor PSM could prevent a spin. But that situation will have been initially allowed to come about by the driver, and not by the PSM. It can only react, remember?

In spite of the above defense of ESP systems, I am not unreservedly a fan. I think there is a risk of drivers deluding themselves into thinking that they are immortal because ESP will save them if they switch off their own brains. Those drivers are - like ESP - also not equipped with crystal balls, but they are better equipped than ESP to predict the outcome of "overenthusiastic" driving. Having more balls (non-crystal variety) than brains was never a good recipe for survival.