RC said:
DamienL said:
This is really an interesting thread. First I see an SLK out accelerate an Enzo and then a Ford Lightening out accelerate a CGT!

I'm sorry but I don't see any truck outrunning a CGT. Look again. We don't even know if the CGT driver actually wanted to race the truck and maybe he accelerated later because he changed his mind. Also CGT clutch operation is tricky, to get a good start, you need some experience. I'm afraid this video is fun but nothing more...it proves NOTHING.

Well, even IF that truck could take out a CGT at the lights, does it really matter?

I watched the video a couple more times, and I do think that the CGT driver went for it, especially after he said to the Lightening driver at the lights, "Good thing I know what's in that or I'd have to take this into the shop and tell them it wasn't working right."

You make a good point about the CGT's clutch. If I were in that car, I wouldn't want to risk frying the clutch while street racing a truck of all things. It's very possible that he took it easy on the launch.

I disagree that the video proves nothing though. In my view, it proves that a heavily modded Lightening truck on any given day has the potential to outrun a CGT with perhaps a cautious driver in a traffic light grand prix. I just think it proves a pretty meaningless fact.