It depends what kind of life you like. If you have enough money, Dubai is a paradise to live. Many wealthy germans already started to stay more than a week or two over there, including purchasing a nice appartment or even house.
I love big cities and I love modern architecture and infrastructure but of course I know that many people don't feel good about it and even feel threatened.

Some Germans who don't seem to like the modern development of Dubai and the flashy display of richness actually started to move their vacation activities to Oman, a "quieter" and slightly less "flashy" place.

To be honest, I think that Dubai is a very good thing for the region. It shows that Arabs can develop something very nice, peaceful and that they know how to make money from other stuff than oil too. In my opinion, Dubai is a good example of how the middle east could change into a wealthy, peaceful and at the same time very proud region.
I know that there is no real democracy and that human rights (women) are still not quite at a point where they should be. But look at China, the communist system is slowly changing from within, a very good and healthy method if you're looking at the drastic change in the former USSR.

I wish the Middle East would start to take an example in Dubai. Dubai reminds me a little bit of a mix between Monaco and Hong Kong. They welcome foreigners from all over the world but at the same time, they try to induce their own identity into the cultural mix.

The only danger I see: Dubai, Kuwait, Oman, etc. ...wealthy regions. "Palestine", Iraq, Syria, Iran...not that wealthy, dangerous developments. I don't think that a Middle East seperated in one poor and one rich region would really work on a longterm run. Maybe the "West" should figure out some solutions for the future, of course together with their friends from Dubai, Kuwait, etc. Because in the end, the conflicts in the region may create more problems than we're aware of right now.
Peace is the only way to go and people like Iran's president don't help to bring peace to this region.
Threatening Israel will only provoke an pre-emptive attack.
And the Palestinians are setting their money again on the wrong horse, the only one which can win is named "Compromise". And finally, the US should start to do their job in Irak to end the insurgencies. The only way they can do it is to double the troop strength, improve daily life in Irak and finally do what the Iranians do very well: propaganda. If the West and it's arab friends don't pay attention, this region can be living hell in a few years. And I don't want it to happen, I still didn't visit Dubai and my wife is nagging me about this all the time.

Kudos to all our friends from Dubai, this is really a nice city and I hope that one day, we'll be able to see more regions like that allover the Middle East and around the world.