
Final thought: we should make Porsche engineers / marketers job a bit more challenging!! By this I mean let's not just jump on any piece of marketing they throw to the market. I hate the " Artificially created exclusivity" ...the price point and the characteristics of the car should dictate how wide spread a model will be. If Porsche knows that we, the buyers  that make their profitability above any other car maker, are very demanding and not just willing to get the last "hyped" model,  they will start treating us more seriously. Today, I am convinced they feel that the market is ready buy any shit they throw at it and hence they do it ;) I am not trying to offend anyone just stating my honest opinion. 

That's exactly what I do. Money talks. Haven't bought a 911 since 2003 and no intention to do so unless it is exactly what we want (exclusive, PDK, GT3 sportiness, back seats and no roof). Till then the $$S goes to the other guys Smiley