
RC - stop pretending to know everything and learn :  if you're strapped in a harness ur upperbody does not move or very Little  - in a accident you're neck overstretches - hence the Invention of HANS (HeadandNeckSupport) to keep you're head in Position so you don't break it like Ratzenberger in Formula 1 or have a huge Whip-lash  - to call this BS disqualifies you badly.....mail

A couple of months ago I was hit by a  Honda trying to cross at right angles to highway traffic, instant collision , no braking  by me, result diagnosis severe whiplash. Airbags deployed, M4  written off. Since thought often of a better restraint system for road use, Conclusion, size matters, no sub compact, the M4 had reassuring and amazing conntrolled compression of front end, cabin frame impressive, both doors functioned, I walked out, dazed but intact. My speed was only 50mph, I think another 25mph would have resulted in substantial neck injury.