Sorry for a bit of a philosophical tangent, but are we actually nostalgic about clutches and manual gearshifting or is it really the tactility that we are missing?

A car is a machine, and nothing says machine like having levers to push and pull. Something that makes you feel that mechanical connection.

Humans can experience 5 senses yes?

  • Hearing - No point in human history have we heard such diverse voices, languages, music, instruments etc etc thanks to being able to easily travel to different places, and listen to music / watch TV etc.
  • Sight - Same with seeing.
  • Taste - What a variety of cuisines we eat
  • Smells - Check out the types of flowers or perfumes and creams, foods etc that we can smell. Smells people of even the last century couldnt even dream about.
  • Touch - Swiping on a touchscreen... hmmm

Where is the variety in touch? Where is the satisfaction derived from mechanically manipulating tools etc. We do a lot less with our hands, especially white collar folk. 

Maybe like the sound symposer, porsche needs to come out with a touch symposer yes